How Do I Get Started As a Parent on Khan Academy?

Welcome to Khan Academy! As a former teacher and parent of two kids myself, I’m so excited to show you around.

To get started, there are just two steps:

  1. Add your child to your account.
  2. Sit down with your child to start learning!

You can have them log-in on any computer or even download the free app to a tablet or smartphone. 

My personal recommendation is just to have them start with a topic they’re interested in. It could be:

🦖 How fast were dinosaurs?

🎬 How does Pixar make movies?

💡 Or anything else that lights them up!

If you need help with any of these steps, here’s a 90-second guided tour:

And if you get stuck anywhere, just let us know – we usually respond in just a few hours!

PS: And when you’re ready to check your child’s progress, here’s everything you need to do to see how your child is doing.

Please consider supporting Khan Academy. We’re a nonprofit with a mission to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. And while all of our 100,000+ videos, lessons, and questions are free for you, they’re not free to make! 🙂