Simplifying financial literacy education: A one-stop solution for teachers

By Elvira (Elly) Valdez, Sr. Content Creator for Financial Literacy at Khan Academy

As teachers, we understand the challenges that come with having to prep multiple courses and stay current with relevant resources. One such struggle that many educators face is effectively teaching financial literacy. We’ve listened to your concerns and are excited to announce our new Financial Literacy course that’s engineered to ease these difficulties and will empower you to teach this essential subject with confidence.

One-stop repository for relevant content

Financial literacy is often overlooked in traditional curriculums, which leaves teachers scrambling to curate materials from disparate sources. This disjointed method not only adds to the workload but also makes it difficult for students to effectively grasp essential financial concepts.

Our Financial Literacy course aims to eliminate the need for excessive searching by offering a comprehensive selection of videos, articles, and exercises in one accessible platform. These resources will help students build a solid understanding of crucial financial concepts and provide them with vital life skills.

To give you an idea of the engaging content available in the course, here’s a video on budgeting, one of the essential financial concepts covered: 

Like the video? Assign your students this lesson.

State-standards alignment

By the Summer of 2024, our Financial Literacy course will be aligned with state standards. This alignment will simplify lesson planning and ensure that you’re providing students with the most relevant, up-to-date information in the subject area.

Reducing the burden of multiple course preps

For many educators, teaching financial literacy is often an additional responsibility on top of other course preps. This added load can be overwhelming, and the lack of financial literacy certifications further complicates matters as educators may be tasked with teaching concepts that are unfamiliar to them. Our Financial Literacy course significantly reduces this burden by offering a ready-to-use, comprehensive curriculum. With all the work done for you, you can focus on guiding your students through the material and helping them develop invaluable financial skills.

Flexibility to customize lessons

Our Financial Literacy course is designed to adapt to your teaching style, allowing you to determine the level of involvement in lesson planning and delivery. If you prefer a student-paced approach, you can simply assign material for students to complete independently. Alternatively, If you enjoy a more structured method, our resources can be used to create engaging and educational lessons in financial matters for your learners, and the course is designed for mastery learning!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to empower your students by teaching them the essential financial skills they need in life! Explore the Financial Literacy course on Khan Academy today and see how it can transform your classroom.

Explore our Financial Literacy Course

This course is made possible by Walmart, a founding sponsor, and additional support is provided by Capital One, companies that are committed to providing students with essential personal finance skills.

About the Author: Elvira (Elly) Valdez is a dedicated educator and financial literacy advocate. With a background in teaching and curriculum development, she strives to empower students by  teaching them  essential personal finance skills. Connect with her on LinkedIn for updates on her latest articles and resources.