At Khan Academy, support from our community is crucial to our ability to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. We are proud to do this without charging our users or showing them ads. Every day, we receive generous gifts from those who have found value in Khan Academy and who want more people to have access to free world-class education. We truly appreciate these donors who help support our mission.
For the month of December, several of our supporters have created a pool of funds that will allow us to match every gift we receive from our wider community, from now until December 31. We are very grateful to the generous donors who made this possible, including those listed below, as well as many others who have chosen to remain anonymous:
– Bill and Tammy Crown
– Dan Carroll and Stasia Obremskey
– Smith Family Foundation
– Stiles-Nicholson Foundation
Make your gift today to help us create more lessons, build more practice problems, and bring a free, world-class education to more learners around the world. With every gift in December being matched dollar-for-dollar, your support will have double the impact!