2020’s most popular topics, courses & conversations on Khan Academy

We are honored that millions of people around the world spent billions of minutes learning on Khan Academy in 2020. We wanted to look back and see what the most popular topics, courses, and conversations were during this unprecedented year.

In early March, when schools first started closing in the U.S., the Khan Academy team began creating the resources we knew parents, students, and teachers would need to help keep everyone learning.  Daily Schedules, which provided a template for planning a student’s day when schools were closed, was our most popular resource in 2020 by far. One family told us the schedules helped them have “an easy first day.” Another family reported, “we leveled up the remote learning via Khan Academy; it is a breakthrough. Feels like the pieces of the puzzle are slowly coming together.” 

We launched a daily livestream show in March. Some of our top episodes of the year included a conversation with Bill Gates about the coronavirus and a conversation with Dr. Anthony Fauci about vaccines and how to safely reopen schools.

With the help of our teacher Ambassadors, we were able to quickly produce high-quality webinars for teachers who were looking for help adapting to remote learning. Our top webinars of the year were getting started with remote learning, 7 tips for effective remote learning, and motivating and engaging students who are remote.

After the murder of George Floyd in the summer, the Khan Academy team created a series of posts about Black history and culture in support of Black Lives Matter. One of our top-read blog posts and social posts was this curation of Khan Academy content about the Black experience in the United States and African history

In 2020, you wanted to learn new things! On YouTube, one of our most watched videos was the You Can Learn Anything video.

Millions of you watched our intro to programming video and started our course about learning programming on Khan Academy. Millions more spent time in 2020 brushing up on English grammar by watching our intro to grammar video. Millions of you were curious about biology, from the phases of mitosis to learning about the theory of natural selection.

One of our most-read blog posts was by our VP of Engineering about how we handled a 2.5X increase in traffic to our site during school closures.

What did you learn in 2020? What do you want to learn in 2021? We’ll be here with a free, world-class education