We are excited to announce the launch of our newest Khan Academy language sites: Greek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Vietnamese! These teams have worked for many years to reach this …
Khan Academy now available in 50 languages!
The Khan Academy International Content team is excited to announce that we now have 50 language sites! Thanks to the work of our international teams, and our incredible language advocates around the …
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A successful 2018 Language Advocate convention
We just wrapped up our third annual Language Advocate convention, where we were joined by 30 Language Advocates representing 20 languages—and a whopping 14 different alphabets! Khan Academy staff and …
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Translations journey – 2 years
In October 2010, Khan Academy began a volunteer driven effort to translate its video library into the world’s widely spoken languages. This involved both text translations (captions) and voice …
We’ve crossed 10,000 subtitles…
This week we reached 10,000 subtitles across 50+ languages! Congratulations to our dedicated volunteer translators. We are inspired by their selfless contribution towards making quality education …
Ready, set, subtitle!
Now if you visit www.khanacademy.org/contribute, you can pick a language, click a button and be taken to a video to subtitle! You can also filter by language and subject and select a specific video. …