Welcome to your Khan Academy Districts trial! This page will walk you through the steps administrators will take to add other admins and teachers to the trial. Admins may find steps for teachers on the Teacher Guide page.
Step 1: log in and confirm you see this screen.
Step 2: invite other admins to the trial
- Do this using the using the “Manage Administrators” link on the Admin Dashboard (pictured below)
- Here, you may add other admins for your district by clicking on the “Manage Administrators” button.
Step 3: each admin adds up to 10 teachers
Confirm you see this “Manage trial” page, then read through each explanation below to understand how admins will add teachers.
Box 1 | Manage Trial: Administrators of a trial district can view, create, edit, and remove their trial teachers through the “Manage Trial” link on their Admin Dashboard. The Manage Trial page is found on the Administrator Dashboard for trial districts only.
Box 2 | Days left of trial: you may track how many days remain of your trial here.
Box 3 | Invite teachers modal: admins may invite up to 10 teachers to the trial. This is what admins will see:
- Once the admin clicks “Send invites”, teachers will receive an activation email which includes a teacher guide. Click here to dive deeper into the Teacher experience of a KAD trial.
- Upon teacher activation, the admin will see the teacher on their reporting.
- Once the teacher starts using district-synced classes, they will show on the KAD admin reporting.
Box 5 | Edit teacher modal:
- If the teacher’s account is already activated, the admin can only change the email to be an email on that user’s KA account.
- The admin can change the teacher’s first and last name anytime, pictured below:
Box 6 | Teacher action menu: Here, admins may remove the teacher or resend the teacher activation email to them.
Box 7 | Linked classes count: Classrooms that teachers participating in the trial make are automatically marked as a district synced class. Teachers have the option to link existing Khan Academy classes to their KAD trial as well. Any district-synced classes will show on the classes count
Box 8 | Table sorts: admin may sort by teacher name (alphabetical), activated (no’s first then yes’s), and linked classes (numerically)
Step 4: watch for teachers district-synced classes to start showing up on your admin reporting.
As soon as everyone is set up and working on Khan Academy, you’ll begin to see the data show up on your admin reporting dashboard.
Thank you! We look forward to being in close touch as you move through the trial period, and welcome any questions, comments or concerns throughout.
For quick troubleshooting, please email kad-escalations@khanacademy.org for prompt support.